Fulfil your Future
Fulfil Your Future
A careers course for apprentices
This course asks apprentices:
What do they want out of success?
What skills have they got?
What work passions drive them?
What impact do they want to make?
What kind of environment do they best work in?
Each apprentice designs with their own unique career statement - a framework with which to evaluate choices.
The course comes in two parts.
Part one has seven modules and is aimed at new or early apprentices. It covers their skills, passions, impact, and optimum working environment. They create their own career statement.
Part two has two modules and is aimed at apprentices nearing completion or at End Point Assessment. It covers a recap and updating of their career statement and suggests next steps to talk through with their employer and training provider.
Each module has around 3 minutes of input, followed by around 10 minutes of self reflection. It can be done at the apprentice’s own pace and is mobile friendly. It is precorded so can be accessed anywhere anytime.
Cost is dependent on size of training provider. Once you have bought it, you can use it as many times as you like.
You can buy the course off the shelf or commission me to train your staff in delivering it.